Walter's Survivor page
I'm a big fan of the show Survivor
produced by CBS. It combines the best elements of a game show, soap opera,
nature documentary, and swimsuit contest. ;-) This page lists some of my
creations and acquisitions in this area:
- Survivor Mazes: Survivor episodes occasionally feature life size Mazes
as immunity challenges for the contestants. All of these Mazes have been
reproduced as games that come with the program Daedalus.
- Survivor maze #1:
"This next challenge will prove harder than the rest. You'll be rats in
the maze for this little test. Just keep your wits, and you'll make it with
ease. The prize is the idol, and that's much better than cheese." In
Survivor II, the immunity challenge in episode 5 was a race
through a Maze. There were two identical Mazes built side by side, where
the two tribes had to enter, find each of the checkpoints within their Maze in
order, and then exit. The Maze measured 13 by 17 passages, and contained 22
dead ends and 5 passage loops. They say it took 46 tons of lumber, three miles
of burlap, and two weeks to build. A screenshot of this Maze in Daedalus can be
seen here. A slightly modified
version of this game was used by the Survivor Spades online league for one of
their challenges.
- Survivor maze #2: In
Survivor IV, the immunity challenge in episode 6 was another race
through a Maze. This time there was just one Maze, which both tribes were
inside at the same time, where they had to find each of their checkpoints
within the Maze in order, returning to the center after each one. The Maze was
symmetric, in five rings, and contained 14 dead ends and 3 passage loops. A
screenshot of this Maze in Daedalus can be seen here. A modified version of this
was used by the Survivor Spades 2 online league for another one of their challenges.
- Survivor maze #3: In
Survivor VI, the immunity challenge for the final four was again a race
through a Maze. The contestants had to race through the Maze blindfolded,
finding four checkpoints represented by the four elements, returning to the
center when done. Each quadrant of the Maze was symmetric, where the whole
thing contained 40 dead ends and 12 passage loops. A screenshot of this Maze in
Daedalus can be seen here.
- Survivor Maze #4: In
Survivor VIII, the immunity challenge for the final four again was yet another race
through a Maze. The contestants had to race through the Maze with minor
obstacle courses in certain passages, finding eight checkpoints in the eight
points of the star shaped Maze, returning to the center when done. A screenshot
of this Maze in Daedalus can be seen here.
- Survivor Maze #5: In
Survivor IX, the immunity challenge for the final four this time was a race
through a vertical Maze, which was like a 2D Maze flipped on edge. The
contestants had to navigate the Maze, climbing up and down ladders to change
their elevation, and find ten different checkpoints within the Maze in any
order, returning outside after each. A screenshot of this Maze in Daedalus can
be seen here.
- Survivor Maze #6: In
Survivor XI, the immunity challenge for the final four was a race
through a bird shaped Maze. The contestants had to race through the Maze,
finding six different checkpoints within the Maze in any other, going across a
pool of water and then up a Maya pyramid in the middle after each. A screenshot
of this Maze in Daedalus can be seen here.
- Survivor Maze #7: In
Survivor XIV, the immunity challenge for the final five was a race
through several Mazes. The contestants had to race through five Mazes in
sequence while blindfolded, finding a checkpoint within each that yields the
key to the next area. A screenshot of this Maze in Daedalus can be seen here.
- Survivor Maze #8: In
Survivor XX, the immunity challenge for the final four was a race through a
Maze. The contestants had to race through the Maze while blindfolded,
finding four checkpoints represented by the four elements, exiting the Maze
when done. A screenshot of this Maze in Daedalus can be seen here.
- Survivor Maze #9: In
Survivor XXII, the immunity challenge for the final four was a race through a
Maze. The contestants had to race through the Maze, finding four
checkpoints in four buildings, climbing to a special area above the Maze when
done. A screenshot of this Maze in Daedalus can be seen here.
- Survivor Maze #10: In
Survivor XXX, the immunity challenge for the final five was a race through a
Maze. The contestants had to race through the Maze while blindfolded,
finding four checkpoints representing the four directions, and then reaching a
special finish area when done. A screenshot of this Maze in Daedalus can be
seen here.
- Survivor game info: I've put
together a spoiler/strategy guide for Survivor: The Interactive Game,
containing a list of all Survivors and custom Survivors and their statistics,
information about all character statistics, and a list of all challenges and
tips on winning them.
- Personality
test #1: Which "Survivor: Africa" contestant has a personality
most similar to your own? Take this 20 question test I put together and find
out. :-) Taking my own test, I got the friendly yet strategic Teresa.
- Personality
test #2: Which "Survivor: Thailand" contestant has a personality
most similar to your own? Take this 20 question test and find out. Taking my
own test, I got the kind yet athletic Tanya,
who might have gotten far if she hadn't gotten sick.
- Personality
test #3: Which "Survivor: Amazon" contestant has a personality
most similar to your own? Take another 20 question test and find out. I get the
hard working yet weird Matthew,
who finished 2nd place.
- Personality
test #4: Which "Survivor: Pearl Islands" contestant has a
personality most similar to your own? Yet another 20 question test to find out.
I get fellow geek Ryan S,
voted out early unfortunately.
KimP's torch
Powers is one of my favorite contestants. KimP can be an acronym for (K)ind,
(I)ntelligent, (M)oral, and (P)hysically fit. :-) I had the honor of owning the
torch she carried with her during her 33 days in Africa. After Survivor III was
broadcast, many props from the show, including each of the 16 contestant's
torches, were auctioned on eBay
by the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
Foundation. I won KimP's torch, and although I later resold it to another
Survivor fan, pictures I took of it can be seen below:
- Entire torch: Here's Kim P's
torch, all 6 feet, 8 inches of it. The staff is a natural piece of wood, where
you can see slight bends in it.
- Top half: A closer look at
the top half. By the way, the balance point of the torch, when holding it in
one hand, is at the "E" in "POWERS!". There's a small curve
between the "E" and the "R", which makes a natural place to
carry it. Looking closely at Kim in the episodes, that was where she was most
often holding it.
- Torch lettering: A closer
look at the lettering. Note even for a non-Survivor fan, this torch is pretty
neat, as "POWERS!" can be taken to mean the word instead of just the
last name.
- Lettering close-up: A close
look at some letters. Her letters are white surrounded by pink. Notice some of
the paint has flaked off. I'm still impressed at the condition, given that Kim
was carrying it around in Africa for 33 days.
- Name tag: A close look at the
small piece of metal that says Kim P. The letters are raised on this side, but
not depressed on the back side.
- Tip of torch: Here's what's
in the funnel at the top. It still has a strong burnt smell to it.
- Bottom half: A closer look at
the bottom of the staff. Notice the split in the wood near the top of the
picture, another testament to the harsh conditions these torches were put
- Initialed section: This
section of the staff is directly behind the "!" in
"POWERS!". The staff is painted black, but after 33 days a lot of it
wore off. Notice the "KP" that seems to have been scratched into the
paint with a knife. It looks like Kim added her initials at some point.
KellyG's signed gourd
Goldsmith, considered to have the highest IQ of any Survivor contestant of
all time, is another of my Survivor favorites. Kelly's acronym is (K)nowledgeable,
(E)legant, (L)ively, (L)oyal, (Y)outhful. :-) I would have won Kelly's torch,
however I waited too long before submitting my bid. As part of the Survivor III
memorabilia auction, each contestant autographed a gourd. Most just signed
their name, however Kelly really decorated hers resulting in a real work of
art! I won the auction for this gourd, which can be seen below:
- Top view: Here's Kelly's
gourd, measuring 11.5 inches from tip to base. Note these are really just half
gourds, so they can lie flat without rolling.
- Side view: "Live it
up!" were Kelly's last words when getting her torch extinguished. "It
wasn't me!" was because Kelly was falsely accused of being a
"snake" and casting a vote against a tribemate, and was martyred and
voted out because of it. :-( "Loser Eight" is because Kelly was the
eighth person voted out.
This site produced by Walter D.
Pullen (see Astrolog homepage), hosted on astrolog.org and Magitech, created using Microsoft FrontPage, page last updated
June 2, 2015.