Think Labyrinth: The Movie! :-)
It should go without saying that my favorite movie is of course Labyrinth,
which I first saw on November 29, 1986 when I was 15 years old, and have seen
at least 50 times since. My favorite actress is Jennifer Connelly, who starred in
it. And yes, like the character Sarah, I have a poster of M. C. Escher's Relativity on
my wall!
A selection of transcripts for the movie I've put together:
- Early Labyrinth script: An early version of
the script for the movie, which I scanned in.
- Labyrinth movie transcript: This file
contains a complete transcript of the movie, specifically of the closed caption
dialog text displayed on the screen during its running. The captions displayed
are very close to but not exactly the lines actually spoken, where I rented a
caption decoder box in order to put this together.
- Labyrinth movie credits: This file I put
together shows the credits as they appear at the end of the movie.
- Labyrinth production notes: This file I
scanned in gives lots of behind the scenes information on the film, its making,
the characters within it, and the actors and people who produced it.
- Labyrinth novel transcript: This file was
originally transcribed by Stephanie Massick here.
I just converted it to a single Ascii text file.
- Labyrinth storybook transcript: This file
was originally transcribed by Shirlee here. I
just converted it to text again.
- Labyrinth documentary transcript: The text
for Inside the Labyrinth documentary was originally transcribed by Stephanie
Massick here.
I just converted it to text.
More Labyrinth related files:
- Labyrinth movie terms: Link to a
list of characters and landmarks from the story.
- Jareth speaks: Sound clip from the movie -
Jareth gives Sarah her quest. (204K .WAV file.)
- Sarah speaks: Another sound clip from the
movie - Sarah practices her "give me the child" speech. (369K .WAV
- Autographed Jennifer Connelly
pictures: I have three autographed pictures of the actress. I bought Picture 1 from one of the movie sites on
the Net and scanned it in. This image has been sent to and may also be seen on The Jennifer Connelly fan page. I
bought Picture 2 and Picture
3 from one of the auction sites on the Net.
- Labyrinth theater production:
Shepparton Kids in Theatre in Australia did a large impressive play based on
the movie Labyrinth in January, 1999. A scan of their program which Charles Kerr generously sent me may be
seen here.
- Labyrinth fantasy: This picture shows a
stuffed owl, on a printout of a Maze, surrounded in front by several crystal
balls and crystal pyramids, and surrounded in back by nine onyx obelisks.
Various pieces of memorabilia from the movie Labyrinth are in the background.
- My Domain: A poem about the mystery of
Mazes I wrote in college, inspired by the movie Labyrinth.
- Maze poems: One about the Hampton Court hedge
Maze, another about the Minotaur, and a third about Rosamond's Bower.
- Girl in maze: The graphic at the top of
the main Think Labyrinth page is a crude
rendition based on a picture, specifically the one in the crystal ball on the
cover of the Labyrinth novel based on the film by A.C.H. Smith. I made it
around when I saw the movie for the first time.
I've acquired a good collection of Labyrinth movie memorabilia over the
years. As far as I know I have the largest collection in the world. :-) Many
items are out of print or at least hard to find now, but things are often sold
on the eBay auction site (search under
"Labyrinth"). That's where I got most of the things listed here that
I didn't buy during the period when the movie was originally playing. Monica's
Labyrinth for sale page used to also have memorabilia, but that page is no
longer available. No, I'm not selling anything here, sorry! Anyway, here's my
- Labyrinth video: The actual video of
the movie by Embassy Home Entertainment. 101 minutes. A picture of the
Labyrinth re-release video by Jim Henson Home Entertainment may be seen here. A picture of the Beta format video may be
seen here.
- Labyrinth laser videodisc: The movie
in widescreen format on laser videodisc. The chapter index from the videodisc
may be read here.
- Labyrinth on DVD: The movie on digital
video disc, by Jim Henson Home Entertainment.
- Collector's Edition DVD: This improved
package of the digital video disc, by Jim Henson Home Entertainment, comes with
a scene composite, and the following character
sketch cards by Brian Froud: Hortenz, Gibbergeist, Gurtie,
Zitzie, Septimus,
and Muskul.
- Labyrinth documentary: A video of the
making of the movie, also by Embassy. 57 minutes.
- Labyrinth novel: By A.C.H. Smith.
Follows the movie pretty well. 183 pages. I also have a Japanese version of the novel. The complete text of
the novel may be read here.
- Labyrinth soundtrack (cassette): 12
songs: 6 with lyrics by David Bowie, and 6 purely musical by Terry Jones.
- Labyrinth soundtrack (CD): Same as above,
but on a CD. I have the soundtrack in record format as well.
- Underground single: This single has
two different versions of David Bowie's Underground on it. A rare copy of a
proof that the album cover was designed and printed from may be seen here. A special two sided promo poster for
Underground may be seen here and here.
- Labyrinth sheet music: Has music for
Magic Dance, Sarah, Chilly Down, Hallucination, As The World Falls Down, Within
You, Home At Last, Thirteen O'Clock, and Underground (i.e. all 12 songs from
the soundtrack except Opening Titles, Into The Labyrinth, and The Goblin
Battle). I also have the sheet music for just Underground here. Actual contents of the sheet music and lyrics
may be read here.
- Labyrinth: The Photo Album: Book of
many pictures from the movie, by "numerous Goblins as told to"
Rebecca Grand. 64 pages.
- The Goblins of Labyrinth: Humorous
book with drawings and descriptions of goblins from the movie, by Brian Froud
and Trevor Jones. 137 pages.
- Labyrinth storybook: By Louise Gikow
and illustrated by Bruce McNally. Mostly drawings, and would make a cute
bedtime story. 60 pages. The complete text of the storybook may be read here.
- Labyrinth family activity book: A
high quality 48 page book with 16 pages of color photos. Each page contains a
puzzle or something to do before you progress to the next page. You're actually
made to jump around in the book as you slowly progress through the movie
storyline, kind of like a Choose Your Own Adventure except there's only ever
one right page to go to.
- Labyrinth sticker book: A 19 page
book with 2 pages of stickers. The non-sticker pages contain a puzzle or
something to color or decorate. This is similar to and made by the same
publisher as the Labyrinth family activity book.
- Labyrinth read-along record: By Buena
Vista Records. A record that can be listened to while reading an accompanying
24 page book.
- Labyrinth dolls: These are quality
stuffed animals of characters from the movie. I have three: Sir Didymus, which although lacking Ambrosius or
his staff does have a nice hat and eye patch; Ludo,
cute and huggable as always; and a Firey, with
you can pull apart because his head, arms, and legs are attached with velcro!
- Labyrinth Halloween costume: A
costume (robe and mask) of a Firey, by Henson Associates and Collegeville Flag
and Mfg. Co., small size, fitting a child 41" to 46" tall. I have a
second costume of Ludo, a third of Sir Didymus, and a fourth of Hoggle.
- Labyrinth the Mystical Maze Game: A
board game by Western Publishing Company where you try to move your marker to
the center of a changing Maze.
- Labyrinth puzzles: I have seven
different Labyrinth jigsaw puzzles: Puzzle 1,
256 pieces and shrink wrapped, by Missing Link Trading Company. Puzzle 2, Puzzle 3,
Puzzle 4, and Puzzle
5, 200 pieces in boxes, by Western Publishing Company. Puzzle 6 and Puzzle 7,
23 and 24 pieces in a frame-tray, by Western Publishing Company.
- Labyrinth: The computer game: By
Lucasfilm Games and Activision Entertainment Software, for the Apple II and
Commodore 64/128. This game may be downloaded and played using one of the Apple
II emulators that are available. A screen shot from the game may be seen here. Finally, the introduction from the game as
spoken by Jareth may be read here.
- Nintendo Labyrinth: There was a
Labyrinth game for Nintendo as well. The Labyrinth cartridge as well as an
Nintendo emulator may be downloaded here.
The game itself is a top down view, and screen shots may be seen here and here.
- Labyrinth comic books: By Marvel
Comics. Adaptation of the movie's storyline in three separate comic books or
parts: Part 1, Part 2,
and Part 3. There's also the Labyrinth Super Special which has all three parts
combined in one large comic.
- Labyrinth coloring books: By Marvel
Books. I have all four of the series: (1) Across The
Labyrinth, a coloring book that briefly follows the storyline. (2) In The Goblin City, a coloring book focusing on the
storyline of the second half of the movie. (3) The
World of Labyrinth, a coloring book that focuses on individual characters
and events. (4) Labyrinth Activity and Coloring Book,
with various simple puzzles in it.
- Labyrinth pencil case: By Nestle Quik.
Includes a ruler with a hologram picture that looks different depending on the
angle viewed, and a Sir Didymus eraser.
- Labyrinth wristwatch: By Bradley Time,
a division of Elgin National Industries, Inc. A standard function LCD watch
with a small Maze puzzle and a steel ball you can move through it surrounding
the display.
- Labyrinth lunchbox: By Henson
Associates and King-Seeley Thermos Co. Includes a thermos with a Firey on it.
- Labyrinth bubble gum: By Henson
Associates and Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. I have one bag of gum and the box the
bags were originally distributed in. Each box held 24 bags, and each pack was
filled with small irregularly shaped red, orange, yellow, green, and purple
- Labyrinth napkins: By Henson
Associates and Fort Howard paper company. Some Labyrinth paper cups may be seen
in the background. On the plastic wrapping is printed an offer for a
22"x17" Labyrinth movie poster, although that offer expired in 1986.
- Labyrinth paper cups: By Sweetheart
Products Group, a subsidiary of Fort Howard paper company. There are two
styles: The front row cups are slightly smaller and only have pictures on one
side, while the back row cups have two pictures of different characters on
their front and back. Also available are 3 oz. bathroom
cups that come in a pack of 200.
- Labyrinth paper plates: By Henson
Associates, Inc. Each plate pictures Ludo, Sir Didymus on Ambrosius, and a
- Labyrinth drinking straws: By Henson
Associates, Inc and Sweetheart. An (unopened) box with 40 7.5" flexible
plastic straws. The picture shows both the front (on left) and back (on right)
sides of the box.
- Labyrinth cereal box: Shreddies
cereal by Nabisco, in Canada, at one time had a Labyrinth theme on their cereal
boxes. Each box contained some Labyrinth stickers, and one could win either a
Labyrinth movie poster, the Labyrinth lunch box, or a home computer with the
Labyrinth computer game.
- Labyrinth stickers: From a cereal
box. There are 12 total, on four sheets. There was a contest involving the
stickers, but none of these are winners, hence the sheets all say "sorry
try again".
- Labyrinth magic slate pad: By Henson
Associates and Western Publishing Company. Magic slate paper saver toys allow
one to draw designs, and then lift the sheet of plastic to erase everything and
start over, not unlike an Etch-a-Sketch. An alternate design may be seen here.
- Labyrinth buttons: I have three pin
on buttons: Button 1 measures 2.25 inches (5.5
centimeters) across. Button 2 measures 1.75
inches (4.5 centimeters) by 2.75 inches (7 centimeters). Button 3 measures 2.3 inches (5.8 centimeters)
across. I also have a trio of small Labyrinth pins
measuring 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) across, and another newly available pin of
the Worm.
- Labyrinth phone card: A Japanese phone
card picturing Jareth and Sarah from the movie.
- Labyrinth program: The Labyrinth
program (cover shown in picture) are two pages of light cardboard listing
inside all the end credits of the movie. I also have a Japanese program (unrelated to the program above)
containing various pictures which of course is in Japanese, and a German program (somewhat related to the English
program above) however with pictures instead of credits inside.
- Japanese flyer: The Japan promo flyer
shows pictures from the movie among an actual Maze you can solve. The back side contains more pictures and another Maze.
- Labyrinth production notes: The
Labyrinth production notes is a 44 page spiral bound notebook packed with
behind the scenes information about the movie. It includes the complete list of
credits, information about each character, and biographies for the actors and
producers. The actual text of the production notes may be read here.
- Labyrinth mobile: This mobile can be
hung from the ceiling (same image on both sides of both pieces of cardboard)
and presumably was originally used by theaters or video store owners to
advertise the film. A close up image of the Labyrinth scene can be seen here.
- Labyrinth promo globe: The promotional
globe is a 3 inch diameter Lucite sphere with stand so it doesn't roll, that
has a picture of Jareth embedded in it. It was originally a gift from EMI
America Records to people who helped produce the soundtrack.
- Labyrinth counter display: The
counter display is something video store owners would set up in their stores to
advertise the video for Labyrinth. One panel announces when Labyrinth first
came out on video: "Street Date: January 28, 1987". Other panels give
various promotional information, such as describing a USA TODAY ad containing a
"complex Maze" for children to solve, where it was suggested store
owners could have them bring in their completed Maze for prizes, such as
Labyrinth movie posters.
- Labyrinth campaign book: This is a
very cool 8 page booklet which has a list of Labyrinth memorabilia in it. A
sample foldout may be seen here, which shows
the album, jigsaw puzzle, novel, photo album, soft toys, activity book, sticker
book, story book, Goblins of Labyrinth book, a large poster, and stills. Also
included are some games, with a Maze and "spot the difference" puzzle
pictured here, where they suggested video
store owners could hold competitions with prizes using them.
- Early Labyrinth script: By Laura
Phillips and Terry Jones. Image is from the inside cover. The storyline differs
from the movie in a number of ways. I ordered it from Script City. The actual
text of this early script may be read here.
- Labyrinth movie posters: I have
nine: (1) Standard poster: The standard Jareth
over Sarah one seen on the video and many other Labyrinth items. (2) Type B poster: Sarah running with friends as
Jareth looks on. (3) Pre-release poster: Has
the Jareth holding a crystal ball with Sarah in it scene as seen on the novel.
(4) Imported Type B: A half size Belgian
version of the type B poster. (5) Rare poster:
Another imported half sheet from Belgium showing just a hand holding a crystal
ball. (6) German poster: A full size poster in
German showing Jareth surrounded by movie characters while holding a crystal
ball with Sarah in it. (7) Giant French poster:
A huge poster in French (more than twice the area of any other) showing the
hand and crystal ball in poster #5 but with Jareth's face behind it and Sarah
and friends running in front, measuring 45.5 inches (116 centimeters) by 61.5
inches (156 centimeters), which I bought from my fellow Labyrinth collecting
friend Luna. :-) (8) Italian poster: A full size poster in Italian with
a picture similar but not identical to that in poster #2. (9) Polish poster: A full size poster in Polish
showing Ludo.
- Labyrinth poster storybook: A poster
of several scenes from the movie along with a summary of the plot written in
the middle.
Most official Labyrinth merchandise was produced around the time the movie
came out in 1986, and has long been out of print so is no longer available.
Recently however, new Labyrinth products have been made by Henson and Lucasfilm,
which can be found in stores such as Hot
Topic. Most feature either the ever-popular worm or fairy:
- Return to Labyrinth: The Labyrinth
manga (Japanese style comic book) is the first "official" sequel to
the Labyrinth story! The four books in the series feature a teenage Toby going
through the Labyrinth. See Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, and Book 4.
- Postcards: I have six different
Labyrinth postcards: The Worm and Fairy, along with the ballroom,
Jareth, Escher
room, and end scene. The ballroom postcard
has a watermark of the Labyrinth overview on the back, the Jareth postcard has
a watermark of the Escher room on the back, the Escher room postcard has the
same watermark as the Jareth postcard, and the end scene postcard has a
watermark of a rock face phony warning on the back.
- Notebooks: Notebooks with similar
pictures as the postcard, again of the Worm
and Fairy.
- Notebook paper: Notebook paper with a
pale watermark of the Fairy on it.
- Writing pens: Labyrinth pens of the
Worm and Fairy.
- Sticker and Button: A large sticker
and a small button of the Worm.
- Clocks: A Labyrinth clock of the
fairy. Note there's also a clock of the fairy Oona from the movie Legend.
- T-Shirts: Small size shirts of the
Worm and Fairy.
- Door knockers: Models of the two
talking door knockers Sarah and Ludo encountered after the hedge Maze.
- Talking door knocker: A different
model of one of the talking door knockers, where this one actually says one of
several quotes from the movie when you knock it.
- Hanging and Sitting goblins: Models
of goblins hanging from and sitting on one of the obelisks in the Labyrinth.
Produced by Plan B Toys LTD. These images are very similar to the narrator
goblin from the Labyrinth Photo Album.
- Jareth bust: A model of Jareth's
bust, holding his ballroom mask, on top of a crystal ball. Produced by Plan B
Toys LTD.
- Jareth action figure: Another model
of Jareth, with a flowing cloak and featuring an interchangeable hand and
crystal ball. Produced by NECA.
Scans of special items I have that were never commercially available, i.e.
are real props actually used in or related to the making of the film:
- Jareth's mask: The actual mask worn by
David Bowie in the ballroom scene, with detachable rod to hold it on your face.
This is actually one of two masks made for the purpose.
- Jareth's gloves: Actual gloves worn by
David Bowie throughout the film. This is actually one of six pairs made and
- Goblin breastplate: Chest armor for a
goblin, with a skull pattern.
- Goblin toe guard: A red pointed piece
of armor to go on the end of a foot.
- Goblin axes: Two axes used by goblins
in the film. The top black axe has a blade made of plastic, while the bottom
silver axe has a blade made of foam.
- Goblin banner: A blood red banner
used by goblins in the film, patterned with three skulls, hanging from a
plastic spear tip.
- Goblin helmet: A helmet for a goblin,
with four horns and labeled with the number 31.
- Film crew sweatshirt: One of a set of
sweatshirts made for and given to each of the film crew.
- Labyrinth production labels: The
Labyrinth production labels are a string of Sir Didymus stickers apparently
used for some purpose during the making of the film, and were found in a
factory after the production run was complete.
- Belt buckle: Prototype Lee Jean
Labyrinth belts, with Fiery and Sir Didymus buckles. These were apparently
never mass produced for the public, where note the Sir Didymus image is the
same as in the labels above.
Scans of each of the 18 movie stills I have, i.e. quality 8x10 black and
white photos about the movie. After the links is the text that's printed below
each picture:
- Lucas, Bowie, and Henson: GEORGE LUCAS,
DAVID BOWIE and JIM HENSON combine talents to create LABYRINTH, a new fantasy
adventure with music from Tri-Star Pictures.
- Sarah running: Sarah (JENNIFER CONNELLY)
desperately races against time to rescue her baby brother, who has been
kidnapped by Jareth, the ruler of the Labyrinth.
- Jareth and Sarah: Jareth (DAVID BOWIE)
tells Sarah (JENNIFER CONNELLY) that she only has 13 hours to rescue her baby
- The Wiseman: The Wiseman with a
fast-talking bird on his head is just one of the mysterious creatures Sarah
encounters on her hazardous journey through the Labyrinth.
- Sarah in ballroom: JENNIFER CONNELLY
stars as Sarah, a young woman who must enter the Labyrinth to rescue her baby
brother from the Goblin King Jareth, played by DAVID BOWIE.
- Sarah and Hoggle: Sarah (JENNIFER
CONNELLY) is aided by Hoggle on her search through the Labyrinth for her baby
- Jareth with goblins: Jareth (DAVID BOWIE)
the ominous and compelling ruler of the Labyrinth, seen here with his minions
of goblins and Toby, the baby he kidnaps.
- Sarah and Fireys: Sarah (JENNIFER
CONNELLY) encounters the Fireys, wild and strange creatures who have the
ability to disconnect their heads, arms and legs.
- Sarah and Ludo: Sarah (JENNIFER
CONNELLY), on her search to rescue her baby brother, is befriended by Ludo, a
gentle beast who has the power to summon rocks.
- Sarah with peach: Sarah (JENNIFER
CONNELLY) encounters many obstacles in her journey through the Labyrinth,
including a peach poisoned by Jareth.
- Jareth and Sarah dancing: Sarah (JENNIFER
CONNELLY) is lured into Jareth's (DAVID BOWIE) kingdom of magic and desire
after eating a poisonous peach.
- Sir Didymus: Sir Didymus, a brave and
valiant knight, helps Sarah on her journey through the Labyrinth.
- Sarah and friends in Goblin City: Sarah
(JENNIFER CONNELLY) approaches Jareth's castle aided by her friends Sir Didymus,
Ludo and Hoggle.
- Goblins: Some of the many inhabitants of
Jareth's goblin city.
- Closeup of Sarah in ballgown: JENNIFER
CONNELLY plays Sarah, a young woman who embarks on a hazardous journey through
the Labyrinth to rescue her baby brother.
- Jareth with crystal: DAVID BOWIE plays
Jareth, the ominous and compelling ruler of the Labyrinth who tries to weave a
magical spell around Sarah.
- Jim Hension with Hoggle: Director JIM
HENSON works with Hoggle on the set of LABYRINTH.
- Henson and Lucas: Director JIM HENSON
and executive producer GEORGE LUCAS.
Twelve color scans of the lobby cards from the movie. Note lobby cards come
in other languages, such as German and Italian.
Five color scans from a book about Jennifer Connelly I have, that's written
in Japanese and came out about the time the movie Labyrinth did, followed by
two black and white pictures, followed by three autographed pictures:
- Sarah with Toby: Sarah looking exasperated
holding her baby brother in their house.
- Helping hands: View from above of the
Helping Hands dropping Sarah into the oubliette.
- Hedge maze: Sarah peering around a corner
in the hedge Maze.
- Sarah with peach: Sarah dizzily holding
the peach after taking a bite from it.
- Sarah in junk: Sarah waking up in the
piles of junk after escaping from the ballroom.
- Beauty and the Beast: London… Ludo the
lovable beast in the new film LABYRINTH, is presented to HRH Princess Diana by
director Jim Henson (center) as Sir Richard Attenborough, Chairman of the
British Film Institute, looks on. The occasion was the Royal Primiere of
Tri-Star Pictures' LABYRINTH at London's Odeon, Leicester Square. David Bowie,
Jennifer Connelly and Ludo star in the fantasy adventure.
- Sarah with book: Sarah holding the red
Labyrinth book she has at the beginning.
- Sarah in ballgown: A closeup of Sarah
in her ballgown. This picture is autographed by Jennifer Connelly.
- Sarah and Jareth: Sarah and Jareth
posing in the area above the Labyrinth. Another picture autographed by Jennifer
- Sarah in vest and shirt: A closeup of
Sarah in the outfit she wears for most of the movie. A third picture
autographed by Jennifer Connelly.
A few cool Maze scenes from the movie. The pictures here originally were
"snapped" for me by Stephanie Massick, Grand Master of the Snappy,
but they've since been replaced by higher quality versions I took myself from
the Labyrinth DVD:
- Brick maze: Sarah wandering among the
red brick Maze before Jareth starts Dance Magic. More scenes of Sarah in the
Maze from during Dance Magic are here, here, and here.
- Hedge maze: Sarah and Hoggle walking
through the green hedge Maze before meeting Ludo.
- Credits maze: The white owl and a
crystal ball over the Maze that flashes for a second near the beginning of the
opening credits.
- Labyrinth fairy: The fairy that bit
Sarah when she picked it up, after Hoggle sprayed it.
- Labyrinth overview: An overview of the
whole Labyrinth.
A selection of links to other sites also devoted to what I consider the
greatest movie of all time:
- Through Dangers Untold:
By Luna a.k.a. Thia Maze. Features Labyrinth
Online Buyer's Guide and Jareth's
Music Hall. Site used to be here.
- The Unofficial Labyrinth Home
Page: Memorabilia info and more by Monica J. Roxburgh. See also her Goblin Art site.
- Jareth's Realm: By
Elizabeth Allen a.k.a. Bowiegirl.
- It's Only Forever: Sounds,
images, quotes, links, and a Labyrinth Web ring, by Katy Fergon.
- The
Unofficial Official Labyrinth Mailing List Home Page: Created and
maintained the Lady High Goblin, Megan Windberg.
- V-Sarah's
Labyrinth: By Maria-Christine. Has the Labyrinth roleplay list's page
and Labyrinth greeting cards.
- Magic Dance! By Judith
Agrathea. Features among numerous other things her Labyrinth II and Labyrinth
III fan-fiction.
- Sze Lin's
Labyrinth page: By the Baroness of Bowiedom.
- Across
the Universe and Between the Stars: Labyrinth quotes and other text, by
- Zantharia's
Labyrinth page: Labyrinth (and Dark Crystal) pictures and links.
- As The World Falls Down:
Luke's page with lots of linked pictures, including a Labyrinth bloopers
- The Bog of Eternal
Stench: A page about a Labyrinth game based on Warcraft II, by
- Labyrinth
Calculator: A calculator with Labyrinth scene skins, by Javier López.
- Life Within
The Labyrinth: Labyrinth quotes and some original content.
- The
King's Labyrinth: Has a fan-fiction archive by Bamfy.
- Save
The Labyrinth: A site suggesting the movie be brought back to the
theater or video.
- Beyond the Goblin City:
Has lots of fan and Labyrinth list contributions.
- The
World of Labyrinth: Labyrinth drawings and more by Laura.
- GameLegacies
Labyrinth: Original comments and pictures by Paulos Blade.
- Alyssa's
Labyrinth: Has David Bowie pictures and fan-fiction by Lady Alys.
- Labyrinth
offiziellehomesite: This site is mostly in German, with lots of
information and pictures.
- DreamSpinner's
Labyrinth page: Has fan-fiction and a general fantasy theme.
- Labyrinth
mailing list archives: By Lady
Amethyst. See also her Labyrinth
Within The Labyrinth.
Gone but not forgotten, these links no longer work, but are still listed for
history and in the hope they will someday come back:
- Shadoe's
Labyrinth page: Dan Bowen's page about the movie with quality pictures.
This I believe was the first Labyrinth page on the Net ever created. (My own
page is the third oldest, and is the oldest page still in existence. :-)
- Abbagirl's "I Love
Labyrinth" page: The person who created this is named Sarah in
real life! :-) This I believe was the second Labyrinth page on the Net ever
- The
Depths of the Crystal: Stephanie Massick's site includes a complete
transcript of the novel.
- Caillean's Labyrinth
page: Includes Under a Crystal Moon fan-fiction.
- Clara
Gerl's Labyrinth page: Includes the Favorite Story of the Year (FSOTY)
- Goblin Babe's Tribute:
Games, lots of memorabilia pictures, and more, by Jennifer.
- Christine
Egan's Labyrinth page: Includes the Sir Didymus Art Gallery of
Labyrinth fan art.
- Mikka's Lost
Labyrinth: Many links, pictures, and a Windows 95 Labyrinth theme.
- Labyrinth
Sound Bytes: Lots of downloadable quotes by Melf.
- Gardner Roe's
Labyrinth page: More sound clips from the movie.
- Cam's
Labyrinth Page: Includes song lyrics.
- Into
the Labyrinth: By Matthew Ross.
- The best
movie EVER: Lara Silbert's Labyrinth page.
- Mandy's
Labyrinth Webpages: Has a large number of quality screen shots.
- Zarg!'s Bowie page:
Click right arrow at bottom a couple times to see more Labyrinth pics.
- Life Underground:
By Edward J. Sunnerton.
- Four
Leaf's Labyrinth: By Sarah "Blondie" Rickards.
- World
of the Crystal Maze: By Silver Ranger a.k.a. Andara Silverwind.
- Rachel's
Labyrinth page: Has photos, sounds, and links.
- Persephone's
Underground Writings: By Jamie/Persephone Robinson.
- The
Dreamworld's Labyrinth: By Amykat (Ariana Dreamstar). Includes a
Labyrinth knowledge quiz.
- ScooterJes'
Labyrinth page: Has original Labyrinth pictures.
- Vetta's
Labyrinth page: Has Jareth and David Bowie pictures.
- Goblyn
Queen's Palace: Has Labyrinth / Power Rangers fan-fiction.
- Jareth
MacKay's Labyrinth page: Many scanned pictures, including collage
- Bella's Chambers:
This frame based site includes a nice graphical summary of the Labyrinth story.
- Laurie Kuhn (Peter
Newkirk)'s Labyrinth page: Another page with copies of song lyrics and
- The
Crystal Moon: Another Labyrinth page not only by someone named Sarah in
real life, but someone who's 15 as well.
- The Labyrinth
Gates: An older site dating from May 1997, by Rigil Sanford.
- Labyrinth
Fan Fiction: Has stories written by Kitty and others. Includes a
Labyrinth desktop theme.
- A Peach Eater's Guide
to the Labyrinth: A magickal site with song lyrics, character and scene
analysis, and more, by Mistress Wolf.
- Labydancer's
Labyrinth: Includes links to Labyrinth Yahoo groups and her
fan-fiction, by Chrystie.
- Labyrinth
picture directory: By Dan Black.
- Movie
synopsis and credits: Prepared by John Michael Deamer.
- Think Labyrinth
backup: I used to have a small backup of this page on Geocities.
Miscellaneous links to pages relevant to the movie:
This site produced by Walter D.
Pullen (see Astrolog homepage), hosted on Magitech and astrolog.org, created using Microsoft FrontPage, page last
updated July 27, 2017.