The PERSONAL IDENTITY PROFILE Version III is designed to describe your
personality and Transpersonal Self or Soul in terms of certain essential subtle
energies that condition all life on earth. According to the teachings of the
newest form of psychology - esoteric psychology - these foundational energies
emanate from the Sun, and planets of our solar system, from the twelve
constellations of the zodiac, and from three major constellations (Sirius, the
Pleiades and the Great Bear). From the perspective of esoteric psychology, the
energies with which advanced humanity must immediately learn to work are
energies emanating from the seven major stars in the Great Bear. The Ageless
Wisdom Teaching asserts that the heavenly bodies are far more than massive,
inanimate sky-objects; on the contrary, according to the esoteric sciences, the
planets, stars and constellations are thought to be the "physical
bodies" of great celestial Entities Who have immense intelligence and
influence upon all human beings, and many other forms of life of greater and
lesser magnitude.
Starting the PIP III program
Setting Display Properties
- If you want to change the screen properties, right click anywhere in the
top bar of the window to open the context sensitive menu, then select
"Properties". You can then select text size, text font, and text
color. For example, if you want indigo text on a gold background, you can have
- Inside screen properties you can also make the window taller so it has more
rows of text. You can also just click on the bottom edge of the window and drag
to make more rows visible. (Some of the later parts of the test list a lot of
things on the screen at once.)
- The PC PIP III runs inside a windows command prompt. That means all new
text is displayed at the bottom of the window, and you type your responses at
the bottom of the window too. Old text scrolls off the top, similar to a
texting chat window on your smartphone. Scrollbars on the command prompt window
can be used to view text that has disappeared off the top of the screen.
- The PIP III test is long, and contains 345 questions. The test is in four
parts. Part 1 (Demographics) has 27 questions, Part 2 (Statements) has 141
questions answered for "now" and "formerly". Part 3
(Highest Aspirations) has one select 13 aspirations for "now" and
"formerly". Part 4 (Traits to Transform) has one select 5 traits for
"now" and "formerly". Altogether there are 27 + 141x2 +
13x2 + 5x2 = 345 questions total.
- Note that when answering the statements in Part 2, you can answer both
"formerly" and "now" for a statement at the same time. For
example, entering "12" means Definitely True for "formerly"
and Usually True for "now". This is a slight shortcut, because doing
"12<enter>" is one less keystroke compared to doing
"1<enter>2<enter>". You can ignore this option, but some
may find it convenient when going through all 141 statements.
- If you exit the program part way through, it will remember your progress
the next time you start the program. There is no manual "save"
command, because it happens automatically.
- If you restart the program with a partially completed test, it will tell
you so, and place you at the first unanswered question.
- If you start the program after having completed the entire test, it will
tell you so as well, and place you at the beginning if you want to review all
your responses.
- The name of the save file is "pip3.sav", and its contents are
identical to what gets e-mailed to us at the end. This file gets automatically
loaded when you start pip3.exe, and you shouldn't double click on pip3.sav to
try to load it.
- Two people can be part way through taking the test on the same computer, if
their save files are kept separate. One way to do this is to temporarily copy
pip3.sav when a new person wants to start taking the test, and then copy your
own save file back when you want to continue. However, an easier method is to
just download a second copy of pip3.exe and place it in a different Windows
folder, so that it will have its own pip3.sav file in a separate location.
The PIP III test has several commands which can be entered at any time in
place of an answer while running the PC PIP. Type the name of a command and
then press <enter> to invoke it:
- ENTER: Not typing anything and just pressing <enter> for a
question will stop with the warning to "please enter something" if
you haven't already answered that question yet. If you have already answered
that question, then it will keep the old value (and give you a notice of the
old value it's using). This makes it easy to review responses, because you can
just back up, and then hold down the <enter> key to browse through all
your answers.
- UNDO: Takes the user back to the previously answered question.
Revisiting old responses (such as with the "undo" command) will
display that you answered that question before, and also show how you answered
it. This makes it easy to review responses.
- BACK, NEXT: The "back" and "next" commands will
take you backward or jump you forward that many questions in the current
section. For example, "back3" to backup and review the previous three
questions, or "next 10" to skip the next ten questions.
- GOTO: The "goto" command will jump directly to the
statement in question. For example, "goto109" or "goto 109"
to jump to statement #109.
- PART: The "part" command will jump to the start of the
major section in question. For example, "part1" for intro questions,
"part 2" for statements, "part3" for Highest Aspirations,
and "part 4" for Traits to Transform.
- LATEST: The "latest" command will jump to the first
unanswered question. If you've answered all questions, then the program will
proceed to display results. If you reach the end of the test and haven't
answered all questions yet, then this command will be done automatically.
- RESTART: The "restart" command will restart the test from
scratch, clearing all previous responses and deleting the autosave file. Use
with caution!
- HELP: The "help" command will list all these commands.
Output Files
After completing the last question in the test, the program will generate
your results in the following files:
- HTML: An HTML format results file "pip3.htm" will be
created and automatically displayed in your default browser (e.g. Google
Chrome). The pip3.htm file itself will be created in the same folder that you
downloaded pip3.exe into, which by default is something like "C:\Users\YourAccount\Downloads".
- Text: A plain text version of the results will be created in the
file "pip3.txt". This file won't be automatically displayed, but it
may be used with Excel, described below.
- E-mail: An e-mail message containing your raw answers should appear
in your default e-mail program (e.g. Outlook). Please take a moment to click
the "send" button to send this message to us. If for some reason this
e-mail message doesn't appear, then please e-mail us your HTML results file, or
rather just the section of text from it at the very end between the
"[begin section of text to e-mail us]" and the "[end section of
text to e-mail us]" markers. Send it to: Astara@msn.com
Users have the option to display their PIP III report with desktop quality
graphics. This requires access to Microsoft Excel.
After you complete the PIP III test, a plain text file called
"pip3.txt" will be produced in the PIP III program directory. This
file must be imported into the pip3data.xlsx file. To import the pip3.txt file:
- Open the pip3data.xlsx spreadsheet file in Excel.
- Select "Data / Refresh All".
- You will be prompted to select pip3.txt. Navigate to the folder containing
your pip3.txt and select it.
- The vertical bar graphs and other content on the "graphics" tab
will be updated to reflect the numbers and content in pip3.txt.
Donations: The PIP III is offered free of charge, and is supported by
voluntary contributions. If you would like to contribute and help continue the
work, please visit:
Info: For more information about the PIP III, the Seven Rays, and
related topics visit:
Videos: For instructional videos about interpreting and taking the
PIP visit: http://www.moryafederation.com/pipiii/
This site produced by Walter D.
Pullen, hosted on astrolog.org and Magitech, created using Microsoft FrontPage, page last updated
July 25, 2022.